Coming in Haute Maurienne Vanoise

In Savoie, on the Italian border, Haute Maurienne Vanoise is a high-altitude destination (villages between 1,000 and 1,800m) that's easily accessible by any means of transport. Fast access by TGV, the A43 freeway or the Iseran and Mont Cenis passes in summer. Trains, buses, shuttles, cabs and planes: The best way to get to Haute Maurienne Vanoise
Choose your mode of transport and book your train, bus, cab, rental car or plane separately.

In line with its commitments, Haute Maurienne Vanoise suggests the most environmentally-friendly transport solutions to reduce CO2 emissions.
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How to reach the Haute Maurienne by car

By car

Freeway A43 towards Turin, exit N°30 (Modane/Haute Maurienne) then departmental road D1006.

To reach the villages and resorts by the departmental roads from Modane:
- Valfréjus : D216 (8 km)
- La Norma : D1006 then D214 (5 km)
- Aussois : D215 (7 km)
- Val Cenis Sardières : (D215 via Aussois) then D83 (11 km)
- Val Cenis Bramans : D1006 (10 km)
- Val Cenis Sollières : D1006 (15 km)
- Val Cenis Termignon : D1006 (17,5 km)
- Val Cenis Lanslebourg-Mont-Cenis : D1006 (23 km)
- Val Cenis Lanslevillard : D1006 (26 km)
- Bessans : D1006 then D902 (35 km)
- Bonneval sur Arc : D1006 then D902 (43 km)

Calculate your route

ⓘ Information

In winter, the Col de l'Iseran and the Col du Mont Cenis are closed to traffic. The Col de l'Iseran is blocked by meters of snow (up to 8m at the aptly named "Pont de la neige") and the Mont Cenis road is transformed into the Val Cenis ski slope (L'Escargot, the longest green run in the world at 13km).

To get to Val Cenis and find out all about traffic conditions, roadworks and detour, visit


For all your travel needs, think carpooling!

By train

Book your ideal itinerary and reduce your CO2 emissions!

The SNCF offers regular services to the Maurienne region, allowing you to discover our charming villages via our internal transport network.

Suite à un éboulement qui s’est produit fin août 2023 en Maurienne, la voie de chemin de fer est coupée entre Saint-Michel-Valloire et Modane. De gros travaux sont réalisés pour la sécuriser. La circulation des trains doit reprendre à l’automne 2024.

Jusqu’en novembre 2024, les trains (dont les TGV) s’arrêtent donc en gare de Saint-Michel-Valloire, et non en gare de Modane. Depuis Saint-Michel, des bus vous acheminent ensuite directement jusqu’à votre station. Vous faites simplement un peu moins de train, et un peu plus de bus (compter une dizaine de minutes de trajet supplémentaire).

Book your train tickets

To reach the Haute Maurienne by train
To reach the Haute Maurienne by plane

By plane

The airports of Chambéry, Grenoble, Geneva, Lyon and Turin are less than 2h00 away from Haute Maurienne Vanoise. In winter, there are bus connections from Chambéry airport to Haute Maurienne.

Book your plane tickets

You don't want to take the train or the bus? Rent a car or order a cab, it will be waiting for you when you get off the plane!

Book your rental car
Book your Taxi and VTC

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Tourist Office

Tourist information offices

We make it a point to welcome you, to listen to you and to tell you everything you want to know.
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Customer Service

In order to prepare your stay in the best possible way, contact your Tourist Office by phone or by using a contact form.
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