Article ExperienceIn Bonneval sur Arc, a village nestled in the heart of the Haute Maurienne, Didier Anselmet follows in the tradition of mountain farmers. Heir to an ancestral know-how, he perpetuates...
Article HistoryAmong the avalanche rescuers are four-legged rescuers, often German shepherds, who are more than quick and efficient in this kind of operation, and who are deployed...
Article Tales and legendsFor centuries, the Haute Maurienne region, and Bramans in particular, has witnessed the passing of historical figures. Among the least glorious of them all, a band of sinister brigands...
Article Tales and legendsIn the 10th century, there was a village called "Faudan" between Bonneval sur Arc and the hamlet of l'Ecot. The selfishness of its inhabitants was well known in Haute Maurienne...
Article Tales and legendsFrom the advent of the Baroque period, itinerant local craftsmen, trained in Piedmont in woodcarving and gilding, travelled the valley to magnify the interiors of churches and...
Article HistoryAt Christmas, Bessanais sing traditional carols in a large living nativity scene. Some of these songs were written in the village over 200 years ago. An oral heritage that is passed on...
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